Satisfaction Survey
Customer information
Customer name: *
Contact person: *
Contact number: *
Mailing address:
Project name:
Name of the involved product/service of the company:
Notes: The evaluation is classified into Very satisfied, Satisfied, General, Dissatisfied and Very dissatisfied. Please write “√” in the corresponding box as follows.
Your evaluation on the product:
1.What is your general evaluation on the function and user interface of the product provided by the company?
Your opinions:
2.What is your general evaluation on the performance of the product provided by the company?
Your opinions:
3.What is your general evaluation on the packaging and description material of the product of the company?
Your opinions:
Your evaluation on the services:
1.What is your general evaluation on the technical services provided by the company?
Your opinions:
2.What is your evaluation on the professional skills of our employees?
Your opinions:
3.What is your evaluation on the service attitude of our employees?
Your opinions:
4. What about the measures, efficiency and effects of problem-solving?
Your opinions:
5. What is your evaluation on the training effect?
Your opinions:
Do you have any other improvement requirements for us which are not mentioned above?
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